Sunquest VUE™ | Sunquest
(800) 748-0692 3300 E SUNRISE DR., TUCSON, AZ

Gain a Single, Holistic View of Patient Data from Multiple Sources to Streamline Diagnoses and Integrate Reporting

Sunquest VUE™ is an intuitive technology solution that advances comprehensive reporting and streamlines the diagnostic review process for anatomic pathologists. Diagnosticians gain a single, holistic view of relevant patient data from multiple sources (anatomic pathology (AP), clinical pathology, molecular pathology) and can customize the layout to meet individual needs.

Improving Pathology With

Faster and More Accurate Diagnoses

Make It Personal Icon
Make It Personal

Customize workflow settings for each pathologist

Consolidate Data Icon
Consolidate Data

Eliminate the need to access multiple systems to view pertinent clinical / patient data

Speed Case Turnaround Icon
Expedite Case Turnaround

Reduce overall case analysis time for the pathologist

Streamline Ordering Icon
Streamline Ordering

Simplify ordering with drag-and-drop functionality and order confirmation

Minimize Misdiagnosis Icon
Minimize Misdiagnosis

Eliminate manual look-ups and data re-entry, enable multi-disciplinary patient views, and benefit from FHIR standards

Advance Enterprise Interoperability Icon
Advance Enterprise Interoperability

Integrate with anatomic pathology LIS, clinical pathology LIS, molecular pathology LIMS, and other systems

VUE Integrate with anatomic pathology and clinical pathology LIS, genetic LIMS, EHR/EMR and other systems

Increasing Pathologists Efficiency with Sunquest VUE

VUE Integrate with anatomic pathology and clinical pathology LIS, genetic LIMS, EHR/EMR and other systems
Integrated Informatics That Improve Anatomic Pathology Workflow

Integrated Informatics That Improve AP Workflow

Sunquest VUE is a highly integrated analysis and reporting solution for pathologists and other clinicians, aimed at streamlining diagnosis and saving time and effort per case

VUE Product Brief

Use Sunquest VUE with:

Enable Comprehensive Diagnoses
  • View diagnostic data from multiple systems in one cohesive layout
  • Integrate data across concurrent/historical cases to allow for inclusion of prior patient data into current report
Optimize Pathologist Capacity
  • Enable each user to organize information for the way they work with customizable analysis layout
  • Increase utilization of electronic ordering of additional tests and panels with a simple drag-and-drop experience and order confirmation
Reduce Turnaround Time
  • Use comprehensive voice command and dictation integration to enable pathologists’ existing shortcuts and workflows
  • Quickly identify case and order status to accelerate completion of cases awaiting add-on tests
Minimize Opportunities for Misdiagnosis
  • See multi-disciplinary information from multiple systems in one application, linked by same patient identifier
  • Eliminate manual lookups and case data re-entry across systems and benefit from the use of FHIR standards to ensure data flow between systems